Guest Post
By Andrea Waltz
When you hear the word “NO” what does that NO mean to you? How do you respond to it both internally, in your mind… and externally, in your actions? This is important because it is this and this alone that ultimately spells the difference between long term success or failure for salespeople in virtually every business and industry.
By Andrea Waltz
When you hear the word “NO” what does that NO mean to you? How do you respond to it both internally, in your mind… and externally, in your actions? This is important because it is this and this alone that ultimately spells the difference between long term success or failure for salespeople in virtually every business and industry.
Take away all the reasons that salespeople are not successful more often… poor training, bad products, ineffective marketing or leads… it all plays a part. But rejection and hearing ‘no’ is massive because it affects everyone to a degree. How do we know? Well, for starters we have more people every day telling us it’s so. Salespeople are coming out of the woodwork agreeing that rejection and dealing with ‘no’ is a daunting obstacle to face.