
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Breakthrough Sales Rejection Depression

Guest Post
By Andrea Waltz
When you hear the word “NO” what does that NO mean to you?  How do you respond to it both internally, in your mind… and externally, in your actions?  This is important because it is this and this alone that ultimately spells the difference between long term success or failure for salespeople in virtually every business and industry.
Take away all the reasons that salespeople are not successful more often… poor training, bad products, ineffective marketing or leads… it all plays a part. But rejection and hearing ‘no’ is massive because it affects everyone to a degree. How do we know? Well, for starters we have more people every day telling us it’s so. Salespeople are coming out of the woodwork agreeing that rejection and dealing with ‘no’ is a daunting obstacle to face.  

Video Blog: Overcoming Sales Rejection

Learning the skills needed to overcome sales rejection is an integral part of a salesperson’s success. Rejection is going to come–we all face it. But, how you handle it will go a long way in determining how much you accomplish in your sales career. Rejection doesn’t have to cripple you–in fact, it should make you stronger. Today’s video blog takes you through a few tips to help you beat it!

Video Blog: Steps To A Sale


Related posts:
  1. Sales Power Tips Video Blog: What’s Love Got To Do With It? (15.3)
  2. Video Blog Episode 2: Are You Objecting Or Are You Complaining? (12.4)
  3. Video Blog Episode 5: Secret Of Sales Success (12.3)
  4. Sales Power Tips Video Blog: Time Wasters (11.3)
  5. Friday’s Video Blog: Voice Inflection (9.7)

Sell yourself like actors do! 7 quick Acting lessons for Sales Pros

Julie Hansen
Sell yourself like actors do! 7 quick Acting lessons for Sales Pros
Unless they are Robert DeNiro or Meryl Streep, most actors have to audition for every role.  And unless you are Anthony Robbins, you have to audition for every sale. Actors must stand out from their competition and quickly convince casting directors that they are right for a role in their production while you must convince the prospect or customer that you are right for a role in their business.  So how do actors do it?  What is their secret?  Here are 7 quick acting lessons to help you stand out and land the sale!

Watch Your Step! Where Is the Sale Going Next?

Businessman Runs Up Massive Gray Staircase : Stock Photo
Watch Your Step! Where Is the Sale Going Next?
Recently I did a video blog about the Steps To A Sale and system I use to train and coach salespeople. In it I discussed the fact no single step is more important than another. You can be great at asking for the sale, but if you can’t overcome objections it doesn’t matter. Or, you could be the best in the world at overcoming objections but if you aren’t good at building rapport you’ll never get that chance.

10 Tips For New Sales Managers

new manager
10 Tips For New Sales Managers
You got the job! You’ve been promoted or hired to manage a team of salespeople. Perhaps this is your first stint as a manager and you want to make the most of it. But, what do you do? Is there a guidebook you were given on how to transition from salesperson to Sales Manager?

3 Essential Elements of Every Successful Salesperson

Essential Elements
3 Essential Elements of Every Successful Salesperson
I had a conversation recently where I espoused my belief that sales is a learned skill and almost anyone can learn it. Just like being a dentist, a doctor or lawyer—I think the skills involved in being a successful salesperson are learned ones. However, I don’t believe they can be learned by everyone. Just like some people aren’t good at math or science others don’t possess the personality and basic traits it takes to be successful in selling.

What’s The Best Time For A Sales Meeting?

 What’s The Best Time For A Sales Meeting?
What’s The Best Time For A Sales Meeting?

Recently I had someone ask me what I thought was the best time for a sales meeting. Good question. There are probably as many theories and ideas on this as there are times and dates to choose from, but I’ll share mine with you here.
First, if you have a sales meeting less regularly than weekly or bi-weekly, I suggest holding it on a Saturday morning. This has always been my preference and I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a salesperson to give up a couple of hours on a Saturday rather than pulling your entire sales team out of the field during the week.